Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I've done a little research about what electives our surrounding high schools offer. As it turns out, Monroe, Washingtonville and Burke offer more electives in comparison to Warwick. Also in the area of languages: Did you know Burke offers Japanese and Chinese along with Spanish and French? We have a great school, don't get me wrong. But we have way higher school taxes compared to these other schools. So why are we getting less? Comment on what electives (or clubs) you would like to see in our school!


Anonymous said...

the reason burke has more electives than we do is because it is a private school.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Burke is a private school, which should mean that they have less things to offer because they don't receive school taxes. Also, then what are the other PUBLIC schools excuses for offering more? Good article Ariel. :-)

Anonymous said...

"the reason burke has more electives than we do is because it is a private school."

WHICH MEANS WHAT? That parents have to come up with the money to pay extra teachers for extra classes... on top of paying public school taxes. Most parochial parents in our area are not wealthy, and I know that because I was one.

If Warwick is going to boast about their "fine" schools then they need to come to reality and get with the program of education.