My global studies teacher, Mr. Mita has put together an after school volunteer club. As of right now, we are trying to decide what cause we want to contribute to. First, we chose to contribute to Saint Jude Children's Foundation. But that didn't work out. Therefore, we are now trying to make a decision upon who or where we want to help. So far, we have come to the conclusion that we want to help our Warwick community. There are people in this town that need our help, so that is where we are going to start our contribution. The places that we came up with to help are: Saint Anthony's Community Hospital, senior housing developments, recycling the trash in our school, and help the food pantry. Another idea that we came up with is to replace the Styrofoam cafeteria trays with plastic cafeteria trays. It would create a lot less trash and would save money. But, there is the question of who is going to wash the trays. We thought that for community service hours, people could wash them or even the people who have detention. The detention teens just sit there doing nothing. Why not help and do something useful with their time? If you have other ideas, we are open to any suggestions.Thanks a lot.
How about the senior center; do a car wash fund raiser and donate the money to an orphanage; If you run out of or can't think of ways to contribute locally, there is always the foreign countries. You can also Google charitable contributions and you'll get a lot of hits and reading these hits may give you ideas. But be careful because some of these maybe scams.
Charity begins at home. Good idea ...let's help those in our community. The food bank always needs help. How about a clothing drive to help stock thrift stores who donate to the needy. We all know we own way too many clothes.
I like the idea on replacing Styrofoam with trays. A lot of teens that need to do communtiy service for school or tohter reasons would be glad to wash them probably. And making kids in detention wash them just may teach them a lesson. Nice ideas!
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