Have you heard the news about something new that may happen within the Warwick school system? If not, then read this. Warwick Valley High School and Middle School will be starting at the same time, which is the middle school’s original time, 8:10am. The high school and middle school students will be taking the same bus. I realize that this is a way to cut costs because of high gas prices. However, this will cause a need for more buses because there is no way that we can fit both middle school and high school students on one bus per pick-up zone. High school students see the pros and cons to this change. A pro to this change is that we will get an extra of sleep. The cons are that we will get out of school one hour later and we will have a crowded bus full of screaming middle school kids. Therefore, the cons outweigh the pros. I am curious to see what the school board decides.
dude will we still be able to stay afterschool???
I have no idea. I hope so. If you remember in middle school, we did have a late bus which came at 3:40pm or so. But only two buses ran at that time and the bus dropped a student off pretty far from their house. I hope that we will still be able to stay after school. If not, this is going to cause some major problems.
if they do decide to do this, hopefully it won't be until next year. I'm a senior so it won't effect me unless they decide to implement this in the middle of the year, which I can't see them doing. you never know though.
it will cause too many problems... the whole after school situation is going to need to be thought out. when I was in middle school, it wasn't even 2 buses. technically it was, but one of them was a short bus, lol, and they only offered after school transportation on tuesdays and thursdays.
and yea, they will definitely need more buses. I hear that kings estates alone needs 2 buses for just the high school kids. they'd probably need an extra one or two more for all the middle schoolers too.
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