Saturday, February 13, 2010

To Go To School or To Be Schooled...That Is The Question

We all know that we have a new superintendent, Raymond W. Bryant and a new principal at Warwick High, Annie Streiff. So far, my senior year has not been what I have imagined and this is due to the lack of student participation in school activities and student behavioral issues. I must have forgotten to mention that there are no school activities! When we do have the occasional dance, the majority of people do not enjoy themselves due to the strict supervision and the lights remaining on during the duration of dance. This is a new procedure under new school ruling.

There has been a slight skirmish between Fratello Italian Restaurant and Warwick High School for the reason that the new teen club Fratello hosts is taking the business away from our school dances. But I can see why. The $10 admission fee at Fratello includes dancing, good music, a dance atmosphere with disco lights etc, and food!

Another reason why Warwick for the most part does not have students that look up to and respect authority figures is due to the lack of respect and support for the students. Teachers, faculty, and staff assume that a student is in the wrong most of the time. I realize that students lose some of their rights when they enter the school building. However, being constantly harassed and being almost 18 is ridiculous. I am a good student who is almost 18 and is still getting harassed by hall monitors who know for a fact that I am headed to a class or to do work.

If Warwick High School provided a more fun and friendly atmosphere, students would change their attitude as well. I know that I would be much more open and accepting to the high school my senior year rather than wanting to flee to college so badly. I am sure I am not the only one who has been feeling this. What do you all think?

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