We have been in the war on terror for many years now. However, we have disconnected ourselves from the war here in America. This is not a war fought on battle fields, nor a war fought with armies, but a war for the rights of our worker brothers coming from another country, either legally or illegally. Immigrants have been taking a lot of heat lately but they are being used as scapegoats, for those are lazy, ignorant, racist, and especially the fat cats on capital hill. They say that these immigrants are stealing American's jobs, that they are throwing off the balance of the economy. Well here i am going to not only disprove those theories but show you that they are the victims of this war and that they are a key player to the American working core. Immigrants have been accused with stealing the jobs of American Workers, however many of these jobs were actually worked by teenagers, who now have moved up into the cooperate ranks by working as cashers etc... as well as those who only used it as a temporary job. These immigrants are actually taking the jobs that us Americans had passed up. If these immigrants all left America their would still be about the same unemployed as well as a lot more of a job surplus. Also these jobs, which immigrants do not pay income tax on, had never had income tax paid from their previous workers. How many times have you mowed a lawn and your employer came out with a paycheck and took out money for income tax. I'm sure that never happened. In fact if anything they are balancing out our economy since if they are sending the money back to Mexico, then we should be exporting more goods to gain more capital back from other countries. In many heavily immigrated populous, White Supremacy gangs, kill innocent immigrants while the local police just turn their heads and don't do anything. Aren't these immigrants people too, despite what their origins are? Don't they have families, people who care about them? Isn't it our right and our duty as a World Power to help these PEOPLE out? I say let us help our worker comrades, and embrace them rather then to get rid of them. They are as part of the American Working Core as you or me.
-Derek M
Sunday, December 9, 2007
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well said man, who are you exactly? Remember, they're not just from Mexico...don't forget Central and South America.
Coming from a small farming community in east Texas, I agree with you on most of your points. However, they are ILLEGAL. Driving without a license is ILLEGAL. Driving without insurance is ILLEGAL. Not getting proper medical treatment for their children is ILLEGAL. Not sending their kids to school is ILLEGAL.
So, my question is... how do we allow these ILLEGAL immigrants to stay here, work at jobs that Americans do not want, get a drivers license with insurance, get proper medical care for their children, and give their children at least a primary education so they can at least read & write to survive in this country?
Everything is not so black & white. That is, there must be a meeting of the minds on this subject. They're here, let's deal with it.
As far as securing our borders for terrorism? That is a huge issue. However, I don't believe the Mexicans are here to terrorize us. Yes, we do need better border control, but exactly how are the terrorist getting into our country? Are they swimming across the Rio Grande?
Dennis Kucinich said something that made me think in one of the Democratic debates recently, when he was asked about illegal immigrants. He said first off that he rejects the term "illegal immigrants" because "there is no such thing as an illegal human being."
All immigrants would prefer to come here documented, through the proper legal channels. But if you're a poor displaced farmer, who can't feed his family and without political connections, then what choice do you have? Come here "illegally" or let your family starve unethically.
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