Sunday, December 9, 2007

A poor taste in everyday wear, or a cry for attention?

There is no way to even begin the topic of teenage attire. As WVCSD Code of Conduct states, “Any dress or appearance which is vulgar, lewd, obscene, indecent, profane, exposes sight to private parts of the body, or exposes undergarments should not be worn.” As a teenager, I understand that the Code of Conduct isn’t followed religiously. However, what makes us think that showing our bodies to the world is going to make people think of us as better people? Teenagers are already thought to be obnoxious and immature. Why make our reputation worse?

Teenage girls have this mentality that if the girl dresses promiscuously, it will attract a lot teenage boys. On the contrary, all it does is send boys the wrong message about the girl. It makes the girl seem like they have no self-confidence and no self-respect for themselves.

Teenage boys are just as bad when it comes to clothing. They wouldn’t be bad if they just pulled up their pants! I mean, honestly, do I really want to see their butts 24/7? -Of course not. If I don’t want to see it, then imagine what the teachers and staff think! If we want to see boxers or briefs, we’ll buy our own, thanks. Also, why in the world would you where your pants that low and then wear underwear that has hearts or pink designs on them? Now that is what I call sending out the wrong message.

In conclusion, KEEP YOUR CLOSES ON, WEAR A BELT, and DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO. But please, have a little consideration for others around you.


Jelly said...

I agree fully. I'm sick and tired of seeing things that I REALLY don't want to see. Now, I consider myself very open and liberal, but I do draw a line somewhere. I REALLY don't feel like seeing a girl's underwear when I walk down the hallway, or a guy's pants being worn one foot lower than his waist, hips, whatever. It's when I talk about things like this, that I wish their was some kind of loose uniform policy. I don't mean plaid skirts, knee highs, no. I mean, just some kind of polo shirt and reasonable pants or a skirt. I'm just sick of it.

Anonymous said...

i think this is a little rediculous. IF YOU GOT IT FLAUNT IT. If you don't want to look at it, turn your head. It's high school, no one is going to change unless they want it for themselves.

Anonymous said...

So you're saying its okay to promote sex within teens? Because that is exactly what this so called trend is doing.

Anonymous said...

I think you're right. Showing your body just means that you are insecure. End of story.

Anonymous said...

get over it. when the world started out people didnt wear clothes..they're unnatural. i'm not writing about how you need to wear less clothes and have sex so dont bother me saying i need to wear more and close my legs.

Anonymous said...

Well to the stupid comments who contradict this article just proves that our school is full of low self-esteemed and ignorant people. Grow up.