Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Kite Runner

Last night, my dad and I went and saw the movie, "The Kite Runner." Originally, "The Kite Runner" was a book written by Afghan American, Kaled Hosseini. "The Kite Runner" was a very thought provoking movie. It consisted of unfair treatment of women and children, Russia invading Afghanistan, a strong bond between father, son and friend (who turns out to be brother), and the struggle they went through to get from Afghanistan to Pakistan to America, poor living conditions after the Russian invasion, and the fear people lived in under the authority of the Taliban.

I must say, after seeing this movie, it made me realize how lucky I am to be a woman living in America. If I were to be placed in Afghanistan right now, there is no way I would last a day with my opinionated, liberal mouth. Lastly, I suggest this movie to everyone. Some people have no clue what is going on in the world around us. I thought I was informed on global events. However, this movie was definitely a wakeup call to reality.

(This movie is now playing in one select theater, Kew Gardens Cinema which is located in Queens, NY. My suggestion is that you wake until it comes out on DVD.)

Star Rating: *****


Anonymous said...

I'll put it on my NexFlix que... thanks.

Anonymous said...

Gee, makes you wonder what we're fighting for doesn't it?

Not only 9-11, but the inhumanity of people... remember the death ditches, murdered soccer players, and mutilation of a society?