According to http://www.nhsemployers.org/pay-conditions/pay-conditions-251.cfm and the movie Sicko, the NHS (National Health Service) is the third largest employer in the world. One thing I found great about NHS is that doctors have an incentive to help their patients. Depending on the number of patients they help such as try to get them to quit smoking or lose weight, determines the amount of capital they receive.
Patients have incredible benefits, too. When patients are in need of medication, it is at one low and affordable price. But, this price is not just for one medication. This low price is the total of all medications that the patient requires. When a person has to visit the doctor for any reason, there is no co pay or any payment for that matter. It is paid for by the communities’ tax money. On top of all of this, money is given to the patients that need transportation to get to their destination after their doctor’s office/hospital visit.
If tax money were to be used for something like this, our country would be phenomenal. Could you imagine if most of our population was happy, healthy and out of hospital debt? So many things would be better for America. Humans are the foundation of our world’s success. Therefore, in order to save the world, shouldn't we save the people?
I disagree. Wealth redistribution takes money from those who have worked for it and give it to those who don't deserve it. What's the motivation to make money if the money you make is forcibly taken from you and given to people who don't work as hard as you?
I disagree with the first comment and agree with the article. Some people do not have enough to survive at times even though they are hardworking. Also, the fact that senior citizens are having to work just to make ends meet and to pay for medication is rediculous. I'm not saying that we should obtain things for free. All I'm saying is to give us a break.
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Some people do not have enough to survive at times. The NHS system has coverage that redistributes wealth at all times; no matter the health of the patient. While I would support a system that helps people in need, a system that gives regardless of need is unacceptable.
I agree that senior citizens should not be forced to work to pay for their tremendous health-care bills, however, Social Security is already taking care of a good portion of that. While SS does not cover all costs, the rest of it should be covered by retirement funds. The problem comes in when people squander their retirement funds. These are mostly the people that NHS would be propping up, and that I would be paying for.
The system, in my mind, only encourages thoughtless spending and a general disregard for economics. You can take all the breaks you want, but when I have to start paying for your breaks is when it stops being acceptable.
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