Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sunsara Taylor

Sunsara Taylor, a writer for the Revolution newspaper is truly trying to make a difference in this world. My dad and I were passing by Union Square today and we stumbled upon 2 women and 1 man spreading the word to attend Sunsara Taylor's lecture tomorrow at New York University. The lecture is going to be about the demeaning of woman and how we as women can change this. Here is what she has to say:


Anywhere you look, women are being slammed backwards. In Bangkok and Bangalore and Moldova young women are stripped naked and sold across borders as sex slaves. In Indonesia and Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia women are shrouded in veils, kept as the property, and even killed if they somehow “dishonor” their family.

Meanwhile, in the U.S. we are told women are no longer oppressed. Yet, how many will learn to starve themselves, cut themselves, hate themselves --- internalizing the images that saturate society of women as objects of sexual conquest, the butt of a joke, or baby-making machines? How many will be taught that their value is reducible to being sexually desired by men, but called “sluts” if they actually have sex? How many will be beaten, raped, or told that nothing they accomplish is more important than motherhood? And all women still have to look over their shoulders walking home at night.

To be born female on any part of this planet is to be born into a lifetime of danger, disrespect, discrimination and denigration. What happens to a woman --- whether toiling her life away in sweatshops from China to Haiti, being raped by soldiers in the Congo, or being denied an abortion in the U.S. --- is NOT her individual problem. What happens to 3½ billion human beings is not individual, it is systemic and global. It happens to all of us.

It doesn't have to be this way! There is no longer the need for women's role in society to be dictated by their biological role in childbearing. There is no longer the need for humanity to be hemmed in by patriarchal traditions and oppressive religious morality. Today, this is as insane, as it is cruel, as it is utterly unnecessary,

But, the oppression of women is woven so deeply into the fabric of society here and all over the world, that it will take total revolution – communist revolution – to liberate women."

I do not understand how women are so mistreated physically and mentally but they make up 49.7% of the world's population according to Are women okay with this abuse? Why are women so against sisterhood and sticking up for one another? It is always a battlefield between women but we should stay united and change the way we all think of women. It is time for the put-downs and violent behavior caused by men to stop.

Please visit Sunsara Taylor's blog: The blog has Ms. Taylor's YouTube videos so check it out. It was definitely worth my while. Additionally, add Ms. Taylor on Facebook to be up to date with upcoming events.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

To Go To School or To Be Schooled...That Is The Question

We all know that we have a new superintendent, Raymond W. Bryant and a new principal at Warwick High, Annie Streiff. So far, my senior year has not been what I have imagined and this is due to the lack of student participation in school activities and student behavioral issues. I must have forgotten to mention that there are no school activities! When we do have the occasional dance, the majority of people do not enjoy themselves due to the strict supervision and the lights remaining on during the duration of dance. This is a new procedure under new school ruling.

There has been a slight skirmish between Fratello Italian Restaurant and Warwick High School for the reason that the new teen club Fratello hosts is taking the business away from our school dances. But I can see why. The $10 admission fee at Fratello includes dancing, good music, a dance atmosphere with disco lights etc, and food!

Another reason why Warwick for the most part does not have students that look up to and respect authority figures is due to the lack of respect and support for the students. Teachers, faculty, and staff assume that a student is in the wrong most of the time. I realize that students lose some of their rights when they enter the school building. However, being constantly harassed and being almost 18 is ridiculous. I am a good student who is almost 18 and is still getting harassed by hall monitors who know for a fact that I am headed to a class or to do work.

If Warwick High School provided a more fun and friendly atmosphere, students would change their attitude as well. I know that I would be much more open and accepting to the high school my senior year rather than wanting to flee to college so badly. I am sure I am not the only one who has been feeling this. What do you all think?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy 2009!

Yes, I know I am a little late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR! I cannot believe it is already 2009. Next year, I will be graduating. That is insane. There are a few goals I have before I graduate. I want to travel more, get better grades, and get into a decent and affordable college. I'm also hoping that 2009 will be better than 2008 in reference to my personal life and to the economy that has vastly gone downhill. What about you all out there? What are your goals for this year?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Anti-Twilight

The Twilight Series written by Stephenie Meyer, has become the new teen phenomenon. I walk down the hallways in my high school, and I see several students with the books in hand. Why are these books so popular? I don't know. To be honest, I haven't read the books or watched the new movie. But I do know that there are some out of the bunch that don't like the series.

According to William Mingo (sophomore) he says, "I am VERY Anti-Twilight. It's the fact that it's so badly written, so filled with plot contrivances and cliches. People who don't read often enough to compare one book to another say this book is great. I've made lists, ranted, and done some projects of my own and based on my knowledge and research, I truly dislike this series. While Harry Potter has many things wrong with it, like in the way it is written at points and other problems, it doesn't effect the plot and make it unreadable to anyone with a Brain Stem."

Wow, strong opinions. Now this makes me want to read the series just to see if I agree with Mingo. What about all of you out there that read this series? What did you think?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova was born in Russia on April 19, 1987. She has won matches at the Australian Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open. She began her victorious streak at age seventeen.

According to FoxSports, Sharapova injured her right rotator cuff and had been out for most of the 2008 season. I felt that the article was a bit biased. It didn't specifically state that Sharapova wasn't going to make her way back to the top. However, anyone could get the same reaction from the implications that were made. They said that Sharapova will have to work extremely hard to win back her number one title. Also, she may not have the perseverance and dedication like she used to in order to make such a comeback. They said that she isn't normally fast, and with this injury it will be twice as difficult. In my opinion, I think she is a great tennis player and is extremely fast- faster than many of the pro players. I have no doubt that she will have all her focus on redeeming her title and make a stellar comeback.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire is about a boy who grows up with his brother in the streets after his mother is killed. They are subject to many terrible things throughout there life. However, all these experiences end up helping the boy, who is now eighteen. He becomes a contestant on the Hindi version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" He answers each question and ends up winning the money. But its more than just money that he wins. He wins the love of his life who he has known from his childhood, and he has won a respectable life. This movie really makes you think about what else is out there beyond the United States.

Star Rating: *****

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Change in Warwick

Have you heard the news about something new that may happen within the Warwick school system? If not, then read this. Warwick Valley High School and Middle School will be starting at the same time, which is the middle school’s original time, 8:10am. The high school and middle school students will be taking the same bus. I realize that this is a way to cut costs because of high gas prices. However, this will cause a need for more buses because there is no way that we can fit both middle school and high school students on one bus per pick-up zone. High school students see the pros and cons to this change. A pro to this change is that we will get an extra of sleep. The cons are that we will get out of school one hour later and we will have a crowded bus full of screaming middle school kids. Therefore, the cons outweigh the pros. I am curious to see what the school board decides.